Wheel Alignment

Wheel Alignment in Chamblee, GA

How important is wheel alignment?

Think of it this way: research indicates that the average vehicle is driven about 12,000 miles per year. A car with a toe angle misadjustment of 0.34 degrees (only 0.17 inches) out of specification will drag the tires sideways for more than 68 miles by the end of the year!

What are the symptoms of a vehicle with incorrect alignment?

Have your vehicle checked if you notice:wheel algn

  • Excessive or uneven tire wear
  • The vehicle pulls to the left or right
  • Feeling of looseness or wandering
  • Steering wheel vibration or shimmy
  • Steering wheel is not centered when the vehicle is moving straight ahead

How often should I have my vehicle aligned?

Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation noted in your owner’s manual. As a general rule, have your wheel alignment checked every 10,000 miles or at least once a year.

The importance of Total Alignment:

  • Reduced Tire Wear: Improper alignment is a major cause of premature tire wear. Over the years, a properly aligned vehicle can add thousands of miles to tire life. Most tires are replaced prematurely due to adverse wear.
  • Better Gas Mileage: Gas mileage increases as rolling resistance decreases. Total Alignment sets all four wheels parallel, which along with proper inflation, minimizes rolling resistance.
  • Improved Handling: Does your car pull to one side? Do you constantly have to move the steering wheel to keep your car traveling straight ahead? Many handling problems can be corrected by Total Alignment service. With all the vehicle components aligned properly, road shock is more efficiently absorbed for a smoother ride.
  • Safer Driving: A suspension system inspection is part of the alignment procedure. This allows worn parts to be detected before they cause costly problems.

J & L Auto Service Master Technicians will work hard to get your vehicle in line. Not only will we adjust your wheel’s alignment to the proper specifications, we’ll also thoroughly exam your vehicle to ensure that there are no other symptoms or lingering problems.
We invest in industry-leading technology and equipment for the benefit of our clients. For our alignment services, we use the advanced technology of Hunter Alignment System to service our client’s vehicles. This allows us to perform the most accurate, highest quality alignment service possible.

– Fully Integrated Alignment: Communication links automate tasks once performed by the technician manually, eliminating time-consuming trips around the vehicle and to-and-from the console.

– Real time specs delivered by web: The latest specs available online. Download, access and communicate alignment service information through the Internet.

– Complete TPMS reset database: TPMSpecs pulls together thousands of TPMS procedures into a simple, yet comprehensive, user-friendly tool for our technician so that they can pass it onto you.

For wheel alignment services in Chamblee, GA, contact J & L Auto Service.


3667 North Peachtree Rd
Chamblee, GA 30341